{ 魏 氏 製 作 }


In 2019, alter lab. was established with a focus on leather goods design,
exploring the boundaries between leather craftsmanship and everyday objects,
and creating daily items with an experimental mindset.

2023 Summer
Taking the first step towards the initial aspiration of Artisan DA CHUN, WEI.
WÈI CRAFT —— Craft the Aura.Stitch the Scenario.Alter the Better 
Holding firmly to the belief that familiar scenes extend beyond their surface,
WÈI CRAFT embraces the sincere and natural art of "Leather Craft" to build the beauty of life.

2019年 alter lab. 以革物設計出發而創立,



自工藝師DA CHUN, WEI的初心邁開步伐,

WÈI CRAFT 魏製{魏氏製作}



以誠懇而自然的「革工藝(Leather Craft)」築起生活之美。